Topi visits family of poet killed by communist regime

28/03/2012 18:25

The Albanian President, Bamir Topi, attended a visit at the family of
Vilson Blloshmi, the poet that was executed during the communist regime
at the Fanje village, Qukes commune.

The Head of the Albanian State was welcomed by the Head of the Commune, Fatmir Kryeziu; Sami Blloshmi, the father of the poet; Bedri and Nazmi Blloshmi, the brothers of the poet and other members and persecuted people of the communist regime.

The members of the Bollshmi family expressed their gratitude for the high valuation that the Head of the Albanian State made to the Blloshmi family and all people who were persecuted by the dictatorial regime.

Bedri Blloshmi told the history of the persecution of his family, and the tragic history of Vilson Blloshmi and Genc Leka, illustrating it with photographs and historical documents exposed in one of the museums-rooms of the house.

The President valued the resistance of Vilson Blloshmi and that of all other persecuted and executed people during communism, their self-denial and refusal to accept the communist ideology of one of the regimes that caused most monstrous crimes.

“It is up to the politically persecuted people to tell their story, by valuing and respecting their sufferings in the past regime, so that the memory and respect can start projecting the future”, Topi declared.

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