Topi: NDS will run alone

23/04/2013 00:00

The New Democratic Spirit leader, Bamir Topi, declared that the
political force he leads will run alone in the June 23rd elections, as a
serious political party that reforms the current political system.

Topi underlined in a press release that the New Democratic Spirit mission is to reform the government and the representative system; a good governing of the country; a functional democracy; the reinforcement of the institutions, an active and stable partnership with the international friends and bringing the country out of the political and economic crisis.

“The New Democratic Spirit Council unanimously decided that our party will be in no pre-electoral coalition. The other parties, for non-principled interests, have ignored the citizens’ will and obliged them to chose between two alternatives. Today the Albanians can have another alternative that offers guarantee, security and capacity for a better government, after the June 23rd elections. The New Democratic Spirit proved to be a party of principles, serving to the citizens’ interests, and that is not led by short termed interests but has a long-term program”, Topi declared.

The New Democratic Spirit leader, Bamir Topi, underlined that their goal was to become an alliance with the citizens. He declared that many right winged groups have joined their appeal, such as legal land owners, people from middle class and the intellectual elite, both from the liberal and conservatory groups.

“The New Democratic Spirit kept it promise to chose values and principles above everything else, which guarantees its position as a party of values”, Topi declared.

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