Topi meets Albanian parties in Macedonia

20/04/2012 00:00

On the third day of his visit in Macedonia, the Albanian President met the leaders of the main Albanian Parties.

Topi visited the opposition’s PDSH, where he was welcomed with a special red carpet ceremony and hundreds of honoring soldiers.

“Welcome at your home, as our President”, were the words of the PDSH leader, Menduh Thaci, in the reception reserved for President Topi.

For Topi, this was the most emotional moment of his visit in Macedonia.

“During my official visit in Macedonia, this was one of the best moments. Although history has divided us with administrative borders, our hearts beat with the same pace. thanks to our institutions and governments, our citizens can now travel only with identity cards, and become part of the same dream. Albania today is a NATO member, and together with Macedonia they will be in the NATO and EU”, Topi declared.

President Topi than met the BDI leader, Ali Ahmeti, with whom he also discussed about the murder of five Slavic Macedonians a few days ago. Topi declared that this horrible act should not damage the coexistence in Macedonia.

“We share your pain for the loss of five fellow Macedonians. We offer our solidarity to their families, and we consider it as a very horrible criminal act. We must build our lives together, and overcome the tragedies together, without prejudice”, Ali Ahmeti declared, as leader of the BDI.

After this meeting, Topi visited the bust of Mehmet Pashe Dellare, the Defense Minsiter of the first Albanian Government.

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