Topi: CEC is politically biased

14/01/2013 00:00

The elections’ preparations have drawn the attention of the New
Democratic Spirit, led by former President Bamir Topi, a leader that
aspires to gather around him all the social classes.

Topi criticizes the way how the elections are organized and the Central Election Commission, which certainly has the attention of all political parties for the Elections 2013.

“Every CEC decision was as expected. There was a righteously prejudicial climate, due to the way how the Electoral Code was conceived and how CEC was designed. It led you to believe that all decisions would be politically oriented. There’s no doubt that CEC will keep following orders from the respective parties, which are directly responsible for this unnatural design. The Albanians don’t need to watch or judge how an electoral system is administered. They need free and honest elections. The fact that they didn’t allow CEC to be a controlling structure, as the moral and law requires, and the fact that they want to have control at any moment, to protect the interest of the parties that made these laws, shows that this CEC has lost the right to be trusted. It is not only the Albanian political factor saying this, but also the international partners. The fact that NDS has no government financing, while it is represented in Parliament, means that they have made a serious mistake. The first mistake is that they don’t take our representative for what he is in Parliament, and the second mistake is that there’s a climate of hatred against the NDS, and fear is what hides behind this hatred. All these policies focus only on the interest of those who have the CEC majority. People must understand that this government is in panic and is trying to create abnormal situations at any cost. This doesn’t promise anything good”, declared the NDS leader, Bamir Topi.

With the elections being a few months away, NDS is ready to make political coalitions, but never with the DP or the SP, which they blame for the difficult situation of our society.

“A former President doesn’t return in politics for a Minister’s post. I came back on a civil mission, as I have previously declared. This is the reason why we stand to this theory, far from the old parties which are responsible for the Constitutional amends that created difficult situations for our independent institutions, and for the appointment of important heads of institutions. NDS has no reason to desire a government seat. Our political life is dynamic and it will keep being like that with the parties that we see as close to our interests, which is the interest of all Albanians”, the NDS leader declared.

But how Mr.Topi sees the next elections? Does he hope that the country will reach the standards?

“Those who monitor our political situation should not see it superficially, but enter deeper, based on the principle that the best cure is prevention. All decisions taken by CEC are political and give a clear image of how it will be. Citizens should be invited to participate in elections. Their vote should be guaranteed. They must come out from today’s climate, which has become depressing. I’m not here to tell you to vote for me and I will be there. I’m here to give life to the Albanian politics, to the young people, to the elites and intellectuals; because some are called intellectuals without being intellectuals. They’re called like that by others. Other intellectuals stay in the shadow, abandoned, because the government wants to turn them into slaves. Someone is an intellectual when he has dignity, personality and when he doesn’t do what he’s told for the others to benefit”, Topi concluded.

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