Topi accuses Berisha

08/12/2012 19:30

The leader of the New Democratic Spirit, Bamir Topi, blamed the Albanian
majority for the fact that Albania today, for the third consequent
year, risks to lose the EU candidate status in the EU.

According to Topi, this majority that has been discredited in public has no chances to repeat the mandate of the elections 2013.

“The politics in general and mainly the majority are to blame for not fulfilling the criteria that endanger the status of Albania today. This majority has no chance with the third mandate in the next elections”, Topi declared.

On December 8th, the Day of Youth, Topi accused Prime Minister Berisha and Parliament Speaker Jozefina Topalli of disappointing the students who rose in protest against the communist regime.

“He who initiated the youth movement today is the main obstacle not only of the political rotation, but also of the Albanian youth. Gazmend Oketa, one of the students in the protests of that December, today, 22 days after, is not allowed to speak in Parliament by Berisha and the one who stays by his side”, Topi declared.

MP Oketa declared that through a faked patriotism, the politics is trying to remove the attention from the major problem of Albania today, which is the economic crisis.

“Today we have a fake nationalism that aims to remove the attention from the economic crisis that has involved our country. The Budget that was approved this Friday plunges Albania in debts”, Oketa declared.

Promising to be always close to the citizens with a feasible program, Topi announced the opening of the NDS branch in Librazhd.

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