Topalli: Violence, the wrong way

04/04/2012 00:00

The integration processes and the interethnic report have been the main
topics in the meeting that was held at the Macedonian Parliament between
the Albanian Parliament Speaker, Jozefina Topalli, and her Macedonian
colleague, Trajko Veljankovski.

Speaking about the recent interethnic incidents in Macedonia, Mrs. Topalli declared that violence is the concept of those who are always on the wrong way.

“Violence is unacceptable, the concept of who is always wrong. But the quick reaction of the institutions and the punishment of these cases is an European response that is required, and we appreciate that it is realzied”, Mrs. Topalli declared.

“We spoke about the interethnic relations. We agreed that all issues that both state meet in the daily life are better resolved through institutional ways, quickly and in full cooperation between the countries”, declared Trajko Veljanovski, Parliament Speaker of Macedonia.

The Parliament Speakers declared that the future of both countries is at the European Parliament, while the Albanian Parliament Speaker repeated her strong support to Macedonia’s NATO membership.

After meeting the Macedonian colleague, Mrs. Topalli held a speech in front of the Macedonian MPs, where she said that the relations with Skopje are considered by Tirana as very special and as relations of two neighboring countries that have interests for peace and democracy.

In her second visit in Skopje, the Albanian Parliament Speaker met the highest Macedonian state leaders. One day ago she visited the leaders of the Albanian Parties, Ali Mehmeti from the BDI and Menduh Thaci from the PDSH. The Cair commune in Skopje of Albanian majority declared Mrs. Topalli a citizen of honor.

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