Topalli: Opposition must stand strong, Balla: “We are reviewing sublegal acts”

25/02/2016 00:00

The Democratic Party MP, Jozefina Topalli, said that the opposition must
stay strong at any cost. She said that the situation is difficult, and
crime and an MP cannot stay together in Parliament.

The Socialist MP, Taulant Balla, said that the propositions of the DP will be reviewed by the majority only if they are related to the sub-legal acts for the implementation of the decriminalization law. The thoughts for the law that already passed have not been accepted by the majority.

The session was closed with tensions and the majority voted the presidential decrees for the government changes only with the votes of the majority.

The opposition stood by the podium all the time, demanding a session for the decriminalization law.

After the alarm that Democratic Party MPs would use eggs, the Parliament started its session with Democratic MP Edi Paloka mentioning the case of MP Prenga for the decriminalization.

“Rama brought criminals in Parliament. His MP fired a weapon in the police precinct. Rama had chosen him exactly for this, because he needed his votes”, Paloka said.

He accused PM Rama of putting Prenga in Parliament and Parliamentary Commissions and of rewarding him with the Patoku Lagoon.

“We need to vote decriminalization or continue with this crime. Vote our propositions”, Paloka said.

Paloka also requested the Parliament to remove the mandates of Kokedhima, Leskaj and Suli, accusing them of violating the Constitution by taking concessions for their companies after receiving the mandate.

Vice Speaker Leskaj continued with the agenda by avoiding the opposition’s request for voting the sub-legal acts of decriminalization. After this, the MPs reacted and gathered to the podium.

MP Jozefina Topalli of the opposition accused the PM and the Vice Speaker of criminalizing the institution.

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