Topalli did not vote for Adriatic Llalla

07/12/2012 00:00

The General Prosceutor, Adriatik Llalla, will start working with the
opposition abstaining, but not opposing the name proposed by the
President. The opposition says that they oppose only the procedure of
the decree. The majority voted in favour, except for the Parliament
Speaker, Jozefina Topalli, who wasn’t present. While MPs in the
coalition with the opposition, Vangjel Dule and Kastriot Islami voted in

But the real surprise was the absence of the Parliament Speaker, Jozefina Topalli. She was in fact present in the room, but she didn’t vote. Topalli didn’t declare the reasons, but this is the second time that she doesn’t vote a General Prosecutor. 11 years ago she voted against Theodhori Sollaku, when the Democrats in opposition voted in favour.

At that time, Topalli declared that if the President couldn’t have found a “Falcone”, at least he shouldn’t have found an anti-Falcone.

After 11 years, the Parliament Speaker might have had the same reasons for Adriatic Llalla, but she refused to explain them.

With 75 votes in favour and the opposition abstaining, the Albanian Parliament passed the decree for replacing Ina Rama with Adriatik Llalla.

Llalla’s candiacy was approved two days ago at the Parliamentary Commission of laws, where e hearing session was held for him. Llalla declared as objective of his work the war against corruption among prosecutors, saying that he knew them well, since he comes from that group.

“I’ve been part of the prosecutors’ troop for a long time and I am aware of the cases and situations when some prosecutors, rather than working to fight crime and corruption, join their side and play more the role of the defending lawyer rather than that of the prosecutor. I can guarantee you that these are only a small group, and well known by the prosecutors and citizens, although the wide perception is that these men are part of the prosecutors’ troop”, Llalla declared.

For what is considered the biggest challenge of this institution, the independence of the Prosecution, Llalla has another idea: “We must make our own independence, and this can be achieved only with those who are not implicated in crime and corruption”.

“We will not wait for independency to be given to us by those whom we are supposed to not be depending from, and we must achieve it with our work. If the Prosecutor has not made a pact with the crime, and if the prosecutor takes decisions only based on the law, he is independent from crime and politics, and free to take any decision dictated to him by the law and his inner conviction”, Llalla underlined.

The opposition had no objections for the candidate, but they explained once again why they were abstaining.

“We consider the decree of the Albanian President as against the Constitution, even though we have nothing against the candidacy of Mr. Lalla. For this reason, we will abstain in this voting”, declared the Socialist MP, Sajmir Tahiri.

Socialist MP Fatmir Xhafaj accused President Nishani of violating the Constitution by creating an unprecedented case.

Llalla was Head of the High Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets. He will be Albania’s Prosecutor General for the next five years.

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