Topalli: Against family violence

15/11/2011 20:15

The Parliament Speaker, Jozefina Topalli, visited the town of Korce during the awareness campaign for violence against women.

She thanked all women for their support and declared that violence against women is a public matter that is not present only in Albania, but also in developed countries.

According to Topalli, violence is a complex phenomenon that happens in all social classes.  

“I want to give a simple but true message. You must love and not hate, love and not violate, love without hurting the mothers, daughters and sisters. We don’t want to see tears within the family walls, which should be the safest place for everyone, where we should have joy”.

Considering Korca as one of the districts that have led in many historical changes for the country, Topalli closed this awareness campaign by meeting the women that participated in the March.

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