Speech held at the event ceremony by President Vjollca Hoxha:
“Thank you to everyone for being here, also on behalf of Tan Hoxha’s children. There are people whose birthday is always celebrated. And we are here today for one of them.
Birthdays usually serve for balances of the year that was left behind. Every time we celebrate Tani’s birthday here in Top Channel, we ask ourselves how close to his idea have we been with the TV this year. I am saying “close” because only Tani knew how it should be exactly. But I trust that from wherever he sees us today, he is smiling pleased with our work. Because his TV is still ours even this year, and also yours. I believe that in this birthday we all feel this television even closer, even more related, because this is what Tani always wanted. He wanted all of you, all of us, all viewers, to feel part of it.
Top Channel is stronger today, more transparent and with more integrity than one year ago. And I am not talking about its economic or financial strengthening, or for the better management of all of our human resources, and not only. With our programs and shows, informative, investigative, political and entertaining, we are back where we were, where we deserved to be and were Tani wanted us, the number 1 channel on the remote.
Our cameras have revealed hundreds of crimes, mistakes, abuses and social dramas, but we haven’t left it with that, just revealing them. We have also helped resolving the problems.
There were many skeptical people in the past year who spoke ill about Top Channel, but we went forward with more acceleration and love for our audience, with our influence and advertisements, because that is what makes a TV, isn’t it?
You are the success of this TV station. Some of you have been with this TV since the day it was born. Others have been working here for more than one decade. Others have left and have returned. I want to thank you all. This is the Top Channel that Tani wanted. This is the best gift for his birthday.
I said that some have their birthday celebrates always, but it was not about Tani. It was about Top Channel. Tani has two birthdays, one today, when Top Channel’s Tani was born, and one on December 19th, when Tani’s Top Channel was born. Top Channel makes 15 years, and Tani too, in his second life, with the life of his TV station, a life that never ends.
Happy birthday, Tani. We love you very much. Your family. Top Channel.”
Top Channel