Top Albania Radio awarded for respecting diversity

19/05/2016 00:00

On the day against homophobia, Top Albania Radio was awarded as an
open-minded media and without prejudice. The award was given to Top
Media moderator, Ledion Lico.

Elton Iliriani, founder of “Head Hunter”, was very direct in the ceremony against companies that have a discriminatory politics.

“I am gay and I live with you. I am different, but I have the same dignity as any other person who considers himself normal”, he said.

The Head Hunter company, on the day against homophobia, has distributed the Golden, Silver and Bronze awards for businesses that respect diversity and employ people from the LGBT community.

Top Albania Radio was honored with the Silver Award.

“Top Albania Radio is the foundation stone of Top Media, a media that has never been discriminatory to anyone. We love everyone in our media, because our purpose is to inform and entertain. We think that the mission of a media outlet is to change the people’s mind for good”, Ledion Lico said.

This was the first year that Albanian companies were offered voluntarily in a study created by The Head Hunter. There were 71 companies in total.

May 17th 1990 was the day when homosexuality was not considered a disease.

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