Farmers interviewed today in Berat in central Albania, spoke with anger and disappointment about their production destroyed by seedlings that according to them had produced inedible fruits.
Mentioning the long service they had rendered to their crops and the money spent, they said:
“These tomatoes here at my feet should have been in European markets. But no, these tomatoes are not edible.
“The poor quality of the seedling has made this tomato to start to rot without reaching the ripening process.
“This tomato seedling originating from Turkey is known as Anarda, and should have produced 4 kilograms of tomatoes, but the reality is different.
“From all the greenhouses the farmers have not sold a single kilogram”.
They added that to set up these greenhouses the farmers have taken out loans, so they are seeking compensation from the Ministry of Agriculture and tracking down fraud with agricultural seedlings.
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