MP Tom Doshi declared through a long message on his Facebook profile
that he will go to the end of what he calls a terrorist act of the
Parliament Speaker for assassinating two Parliament Members.
Doshi mentioned some points that he considers facts and concerns about the investigation process. He rejects the accusations for cooperation with Berisha.
“I have never cooperated with Berisha and I never will. He is my political adversary and this is how we will be”, he wrote.
On the second point, Doshi says that the investigations against Meta are compromised.
“I have information that the investigations against Meta are being compromised. A friend of Monika Kryemadhi (Meta’s wife) is reporting each day what happens there. The investiations are being accelerated without any scientific evaluation to the fact”, Doshi declared.
The former Socialist MP who yesterday confronted Mark Frroku at the Prosecution of Serious Crimes, welcomes the proposition for having the investigations ran by an international group of experts.
“I will ask the Prosecution General to demand an international expertise for the investigations. I suspect that the Prosecutor General and the Prosecutor of Serious Crimes are cooperating with the defendant and the results are compromised. My accusation against Meta is very serious. It should be investigated by a group of Albanian and Foreign investigators, like the case of Azem Hajdari. With Europeans and Americans who have experience and neutrality”, Doshi writes.
Doshi stands to the accusations for a connection between Ilir Meta and Fatjon Skenderi.
“I have heard that Fatjon Skenderi has arrived in Tirana with the guarantee that he will not be arrested, to testify at the Prosecution. What government gives such a guarantee? Why this person is being treated differently from Durim Bami? Did Ilir Meta asked the judiciary to offer him this guarantee? Information brought by Parliament Members of the majority in the Parliament show that Skenderi has been sentenced by the Albanian court for international drug traffic, with 13 years from the First Instance that turned to nine after he admitted the accusation”, Doshi declared.
He says that Skenderi has been sentenced by the Italian judiciary with 17 years in prison and that the trial against him is undergoing. He adds that the Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta, has ties with Skenderi.
“Meta has denied knowing this person, but he admitted with me that he met him at the VIVA bar. The Prosecution must verify the phone conversations of Toni when he trafficked drug to Kosovo and Italy. How many times has he communicated with Monika Kryemadhi during this period? It is an obligation to the Albanian people to have these things revealed once and for all. Toni of Meta and Monika has done other murder requests, which, unfortunately, were finalized in a crime. Soon he must understand who has ordered the other murders. People have stopped having fear and are telling more than we knew so far”. Doshi declared.
The MP of Shkoder mentions another name in his long post.
“I have been told that Petrit Cinari, a former officer from Skrapar, has reported at the Prosecution of Serious Crimes that the father of Ilir Meta, one year and a half ago, has called him at the Gjiri I Lalzit and asked him to kill Tom Doshi, by order of Ilir Meta. He had worked with Rexhep Meta at the army and used to be an excellent shooter. After returning from the USA, the father of Ilir Meta invited him at the Gjiri I Lalzit for the macabre offer, which Petrit has apparently refused. This person has went to the Prosecution with his free will and has reported this order for an assassination. This information can be confirmed by the Prosecution”, Doshi’s post says.
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