Florenc Hoxha, the Chief of Urban Construction Inspectorate at the
Tirana Municipality was arrested last Thursday by the Tirana police,
accused of power abuse and arbitrary decisions.
Another arrest order was issued for the Chief of National Urban Inspectorate, Zyhdi Dajti.
Sources from the Tirana Police say that there have been six criminal reports against Florenc Hoxha in the past three months over power abuse. Hoxha is accused of not intervening for demolishing illegal constructions or that he has demolished them selectively.
Hoxha’s arrest was made after a decision of the Tirana Court.
Zyhdi Dajti, Chief of National Urban Inspectorate, turned himself in at the Vlore Police. He said that he learned about this decision only from the media.
Dajti declared that he had been working this Friday morning for demolishing illegal constructions, and after learning about this he went to the Vlore Police, as the closest to his location.
Dajti denied the accusations and expressed his surprise about this situation.
The Democratic Party accused the police of not respecting the law by not arresting Mr.Dajti and using a double standard, by order of Prime Minister Rama.
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