Tirana Municipality offers 90 vacancies at job fair, 3500 in total

30/04/2019 16:10

The tenth edition of the Work and Study Fair, organized by the Municipality of Tirana, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry of Education, was held today at the National Museum, and was attended by 65 companies, universities and various institutions, which offered around 3500 jobs.

The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, thanked the young members who visited the fair, looking for a new path of their career.

“There’s no better way than a job fair to commemorate the International Day of Workers, and the importance of having a decent, honest job. 3500 jobs are being offered today, and everyone will be interviewed. Young people must know that jobs will not be coming to them, but they must come here and look for them”, Veliaj said.

The Municipality of Tirana also offered 90 jobs in various sectors. The Mayor also announced that for the first time they are applying  paid internships: “We don’t believe in slavery. There are companies that offer such agreements so that students can enrich their CV. We want students to have more than that, even some money in their pockets. Every internship will have  a minimal pay”, Veliaj said.

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