Tirana Municipality launches electric taxi cabs. Electric buses to be tested next month

22/09/2017 11:00

On the “Day Without Cars”, the Municipality of Tirana introduced today the first line of electric taxi cabs.

Mayor Veliaj asked citizens to use electric taxi cabs with a priority, since it will reduce the city’s pollution.

“We have 800 licensed taxi cabs that produce 320 tons of carbon. There are 200.000 vehicles in Tirana, plus 60.000 that enter each day from other districts”, the Mayor declared.

He mentioned the electric buses that will be tested, and told bus companies that their competition is not just among each other, but also with the municipality.

“There is an agreement with operators. The moment that the Municipality has an alternative with electric vehicles, we will remove the license from operators who use diesel. That’s why they must run to buy electric buses before we take their clients. Next month we are going to start testing electric buses”, Veliaj said.

The Mayor added that new pedestrian areas are going to be built in Tirana until summer, starting with the Mother Theresa Square, the area behind the Education Ministry and the one at the former Block area.

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