Tirana Mayor Erjon Veliaj gathered today an emergency meeting where he presented the coronavirus measures being taken, not only in closing down schools, kindergartens, or dormitories but also disinfecting roads and public transport vehicles.
“We are disinfecting the roads and public buses, however let me clarify something: neither the road nor the bus infects man, but man infects man. The advice the Prime Minister gave today on personal hygiene is the ABC of resistance to this challenge that has come to us in Tirana. We are disinfecting the roads, the buses, but one piece of advice that applies to everyone is either walk or use the bike, ”Veliaj said.
Veliaj called on businesses to dismiss one parent so that they care for children, in accordance with the government decision, adding that he will start applying the measure with municipal staff to set the example.
“Today is the time to take care for the health and especially for the children staying home from the interruption of the learning process. I would like the Municipality of Tirana to be the first to set this example, especially to free mothers and non-essential staff who need to be with the children”, stated Veliaj.
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