Tirana Municipality, Christmas concert on Skanderbeg Square

25/12/2017 11:05

The Municipality of Tirana organized a Christmas concert on the main Skanderbeg Square.

Famous artists such as Kastriot Tusha, Eva Golemi, Manjola Nallbani, Suzana Frasheri, Romana Tullumani, Ardita Menisi, Zeqir Sulkuqi, the Philharmonic Orchestra, the Pax Dei Chors, conducted by Suzana Turku, performed Albanian and international songs.

The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, held a speech at the event, giving his message for the Christian devotees.

“On this Christmas Eve, I wish a happy holiday to everyone who celebrates it and to all the others who are not religious. Merry Christmas, and may the soul of each of us get softer, the minds more open, and the hearts warmer”, Veliaj said.

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