Tirana Mayor: “We kept our promise for a decent Tirana”

17/07/2017 00:00

The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, visited this Monday the Municipal
Unit no. 4, to inaugurate the Selaudin Bekteshi road. He said this was a
kept promise for a decent Tirana.

Veliaj stated that besides the road infrastructure, they have intervened to create a decent urban area, so that residents can feel equal even in the suburbs.

“I am very happy that we have brought qualitative infrastructure . We built a kindergarten, social center, which means that quality investments are being done in suburbs as well”, Veliaj said, adding that they can only improve Tirana by building a new road each day, not by trying to change people.

The Mayor said that besides investments in infrastructure, with green spaces, aqueducts, etc, this area will have another important investment in the education infrastructure.

He guaranteed that the new “Ardian Klosi” school will offer good teaching quality, that’s why he appealed parents to register their children to this school.

The Mayor also mentioned the tap water situation, underlining that thanks to the Task-Force operation, and also thanks to cooperation of citizens , the situation is going towards normalization.

However, he underlined that there will be tap water for every citizen in these hot days, but it is important to continue the operation on terrain and make citizens aware that tap water cannot be abused with.

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