Tirana Mayor invites opposition to voluntary cleaning action

22/12/2017 21:30

The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, asked the opposition to join the initiative for cleaning the city.

He thanked the 32 councillors who voted the budget of the next year and met with 24 administrators of depending institutions to talk about the cleaning action.

“They will not block this municipality and the work of this city. If they love the city, they should come to help clean. Wouldn’t it be beautiful if both parties of the opposition took some plastic bags and help clean, to give an example?”, Veliaj declared.

As for tomorrow’s cleaning action, the Mayor said that Tirana is much cleaner than two years ago. “We will continue with these initiatives and I am happy that we have identified just 35 hot spots for tomorrow’s cleaning, while two years ago we had identified 300”, Veliaj said, promising that Albania will be one of the cleanest capitals in Balkan that have the same population.

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