Tirana, FRESSH celebrates 21st anniversary

15/01/2013 17:10

The Youth Euro-Socialist Forum (FRESSH) celebrated today the 21st anniversary of foundation.

The Youth Euro-Socialist Forum (FRESSH) celebrated today the 21st anniversary of foundation.  The Socialist leader, Edi Rama, emphasized the role of this organization in the Elections 2013.

“FRESSH has achieved its mission. I thank all the boys and girls who came together and built a new FRESSH. I thank the adults too, who helped with this rebirth”, Rama declared.

“I am more convinced than last year that not only shall we win, but our victory will bring Albania’s rebirth”, he continued.

The opposition leader underlined that the rebirth brought by the Socialist Party will bring the freedom that is feeling absent each day more.

“We’ll bring freedom to students, teachers, parents, the society and individuals. The freedom that lacks when competing for a university study, for a university scholarship or a business. Our rebirth will bring an end to the lack of freedom in elections. We will bring security for individuals, property, health and for the country”, Rama declared.

Rama added that the Progressive tax will bring justice to different social classes.

“We will govern with justice. Our government leader will pay more taxes, while teachers, doctors and police officers will pay less. The Prime Minister will be the biggest tax-payer in the public sector”, Rama added.

Flori from Top Channel’s humoristic show “Portokalli” had a special appearance, in the role of his best impersonation character, the Socialist leader Edi Rama, to whom he gave an orange.

“I don’t know who took more fame from the other, but since he gave me an orange, I’ll give him my tie”, Rama declared humorously.

Earlier in the event, the leader of the Socialist Party for Tirana, Saimir Tahiri, invited the youth to vote the change that Albania needs.

“We have countless challenges in front of us, but not insurmountable. Prime Minister Berisha is making the Albanians’ life a living hell, but you should not despair and never give up. It’s not too late to have a happy youth”, Tahiri declared.

Tahiri underlined that the next Parliamentary elections are the only solution for this difficult situation, and he invited members voters to protect their vote.

“We must turn 2013 into the year of change. Stand up and take your fate on your own hands. Promise to each other that you will not allow votes to be stolen”, Tahiri declared.

A similar message was given by Elisa Spiropali, the leader of the FRESSH, who underlined that the Socialist Party will have a comprehensive government.

“We will work together to achieve these changes. Our country doesn’t belong to thieves. We will win Albania on June 23rd”, Spiropali declared.

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