Tirana-Elbasan road problems

22/11/2013 00:00

Road accident expert, Gezim Hoxha, asked by Top Channel to make an
inspection of the Tirana-Elbasan road, has identified its main
problematic. He noted the problems with signs, which do not prevent

“Signs should be placed not less than 100 meters away, so that the driver can have time to take measures before arriving at the construction site. This is in a road that needs to allow overpassing in one side. In this conditions, drivers think they can overpass in both sides”, Hoxha declared.

As for the site where Sokol Olldashi died, Hoxha declared that there is a lack of signs and barriers.

“There should be a sign here, saying that they are entering a dangerous curve, and another one for speed limit. Water puddles could give you the impression that the road is straight ahead, in a rainy time, and you could end up like the late Olldashi”, Hoxha declared.

He says that there are other problems inside the Kerrabe tunnel and the bridges built along the new road.

“There’s a handicap, because it says that overpassing is not allowed here, but the line is for overpassing. This is a dangerous element. If you drive with 80 kilometers per hour, the car could jump. They haven’t left space for emergency lane here”, Hoxha declared.

After the inspection, Hoxha concluded that the biggest problem here is the lack of signs.

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