Tirana, CEC’s faults

24/06/2011 16:05

Prof. Kristaq Kume, former Chairman of the Central Election Commission
declared that the order of the Electoral College for opening all ballot
boxes of 11 Tirana Municipal Units has been realized formally.

“The quality, the way it is administered, the way this order was carried out by CEC, is part of the legal appeal that will be made at the Electoral College, as we now, by the opposition. We expect them to appeal this process and the result that came out”, Kume said.

The institutional behavior of CEC, according to Kume, is very important, but Ristani cannot be blamed for everything that happened in CEC. Former CEC Chairman thinks that it was completely unnecessary for Arben Ristani to challenge the commissioners to try and extract ballots from the cracked box, as if he was placing a bet.

“Ristani is the person in charge, equal amongst the equals. This is the law, and not all blame should be given to him. CEC is a collegial organ that takes collegial decisions, and its decisions are a responsibility of all CEC members. Ristani created a situation that was completely unnecessary. He didn’t need to make such challenges”, Kume declared.

The mathematical calculations for the difference between the trend of miscast ballots that were found in 1793 boxes opened by order of the Electoral College, and the 117 boxes opened by CEC, for prof. Kume is simply part of a political analyze.

“This doesn’t have any value. Whatever method one might apply, statistical, mathematical or psychological, for as long that we have a real situation, with real objects, means that we have the materials, and these materials were administered, have given a result from an institution that is legally responsible to announce it, and actors that are participants in the creation of this result, but that don’t agree with it, as it is the case with the Socialist Party, have all the rights to oppose it. Then there is the other part, known by law, for taking actions and judging decisions only based on the facts that will be presented by them”, Kume declared.

For Mr. Kume, the legal battle that the SP party is preparing for making the appeal at the Electoral College, must be based on uncontestable proofs.

“If the opposition is able to bring uncontestable proofs for the existence of a difference between the number of total voters and that of total ballots, in the case when this difference is greater than the difference between the two candidates, which now is 95, the problem is legally solved, in the sense that the Electoral College will take a decision very quickly, and we all know what this decision is, because that is the decision that was taken in past similar cases: elections will be declared as invalid”, Kume declared.

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