The Budget of the Tirana Municipality for 2015, with 8.5 billion ALL,
1.5% more than the budget of the past year, was voted unanimously.
Before voting it, the majority put as condition that the Municipality should first pay a 2.6 million USD debt to the Energy Distribution Operator.
“We start the discussion with this part. It should be paid immediately, with the start of the new budget, starting with the 1.3 million USD principal”, declared Gent Gazheli, leader of the Socialist Group of Councilors.
“We have reached an agreement with the Energy Distribution Operator, who have agreed to receive the payment in four installments within 2015”, declared the vice mayor of the Tirana Municipality, Enno Bozdo.
“It is important to understand that the majority proposed the payment of these obligations. It is also important ot understand that the Municipality of Tirana accepted this proposition. We have agreed to pay it within 2015, with four installments”, declared Aldrin Dalipi, chairman of the Municipal Council.
The discussion of the draft-budget that lasts almost three hours was criticized by the left councilors after the introduction that was made by the vice mayor, Enno Bozdo.
During a presentation of the draft-budget for 2015, the Mayor of the Municipality declared that no new constructions are foreseen for 2015, since they must first conclude with what had been agreed on during 2014, which was approved only three months ago.
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