Three Albanian parties unite in Skopje with 18 MPs

06/01/2017 00:00

For the first time, all Albanian political parties will come up with a
joint declaration this Saturday, presenting their requests.

The two biggest Albanian parties in Macedonia, BDI and PDSH, have always been criticized of not being able to go past their disagreements and unite in a coalition, but this might change this Saturday.

Top Channel has learned from high-level diplomatic sources that BDI, Besa and the Alliance for Albanians will declare their unique position and requests for the next Macedonian government.

By running separately, Albanians lost nine MPs in these elections. Many Albanians voted the LSDM led by Zoran Zaev, which also had two Albanian MPs running for them.

But the PDSH (Albanian Democratic Party) was the one who lost the most. From all candidates, only their former leader, Menduh Thaci, was able to get a Parliamentary seat.

Two other parties made it higher, Besa with 5 seats and the Alliance for Albanians of Zijadin Cela, former Mayor of Struga, the man who divided the PDSH.

The inclusion of Tirana was very intensive and unprecedented. PM Rama and Foreign MP Bushati were personally and publicly involved. After a tour in Tirana and Prishtina, the Albanains of Macedonia will come up this Saturday with a joint declaration, presenting their conditions to the Skopje government.

Gruevski’s party has 51 out of 100 seats, far from the 61 needed to for a government. Although the 10 MPs of the BDI would be enough, the intervention from the Tirana government, which has not hidden their approach to Zaev, seems to have made it impossible for Gruevski to for a government with Ali Ahmeti’s party only.

Gruevski and Zaev will now have to make their calculations also with the 18 Albanian MPs, now united. Menduh Thaci is the only one who has not confirmed his participation yet, but now it is not as significant.

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