Thousands gather in Tirana for Summer Day

14/03/2017 00:00

Thousands gathered in Tirana for Summer Day with festive activities organized by the Municipality as a main attraction. On the main boulevard and “Rinia” park children, grownups and elder people all found something attractive making this holiday special for them.

“We are having a lot of fun. We were at the New Bazaar and it was wonderful”, citizens say.

Tirana Mayor Erion Veliaj joined festivities. “It is a moment to remind us that when we commit to our duty wonderful things happen, like the New Bazaar. When we commit to cooperate, we do wonderful things”, Veliaj said.

Activities were held on the main roads of the city where ballokume, the main sweet of the occasion was sold everywhere. A fair of handmade products was organized on “Mother Theresa” Square while festivities extendended also at the Artificial Lake.

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