Ilirian Celibashi, Minister for the Relations with the Parliament, in
his first interview after taking this duty declared for Top Channel that
the justice reform is one of the most difficult challenges of this
majority, since it is related to another power, and not the executive.
Celibashi says that all means are there to complete the goal so that at least for the next four years Albania might have a more credible justice system.
“Even Constitutional amends could be initiatives that could bring this change. We need legal reforms that consolidate the career in justice or in the prosecution; reforms that create a better economic and social status of the justice employees, and I believe that these are the most basic and main elements that will improve the Albanian justice system. I think that this is time to take in consideration for repairing the entire justice corpus, even the constitutional one”, Celibashi declared.
All justice employees that have faced charged have been found innocent so far. Besides the silent alliance with the justice people, Celibashi sees even other problems in this area.
“We see an almost corporative organization of judges and prosecutors. This is among the many problems that the justice system has. The lack of efficiency of our justice system is not seen only in the punishment of judges or prosecutors, but with everyone who violates the law”, the Minister declared.
When asked if there is a plan for including both courts in one, the Constitutional and the Supreme ones, Celibashi says:
“We think that if we unite the Constitutional Court with the Supreme Court, we will resolve a huge problem as regards the general justice system issue. It could be one of the reform elements, but not necessarily. What we want to do for the reforms is cooperating with all interest groups in a real way, and in a indispensable way, with the opposition. The opposition is not a matter of political majority, but a matter that belongs basically to all economic development, social and political aspects of our country”, Celibashi declared.
According to Celibashi, the new ruling majority will not hesitate to review the justice institution efficiency, including the Supreme Court.
“I think that the High Council of Justice, even among the judge community, doesn’t have the credibility as the institution that rules the judiciary. I think that some things should be taken in consideration, such as the way how it is organized or how things work, and also the way how the HCJ members are elected. This is not a purpose of its own, but the necessity brings us there”, Minister Celibashi declared.
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