The Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission of Economy, Erjon Brace,
published some of the conclusions reached after the hearing session with
the Bank of Albania Governor, Ardian Fullani, about the recent theft in
this institution.
“The system of laws, rules and safety has worked. It has failed in the part with people, starting from the first link of the chain, as the Governor himself admitted, and up to the International Audit of the Bank of Albania”, Brace declared.
Brace said that the Commission is determined to go to the end of bringing to justice those who are responsible, since this theft has damaged the country’s image.
“We analyzed the fact and the image of the Bank of Albania and of our country has been severely damaged with this theft. We asked for zero tolerance for anyone who has been involved in this criminal activity at the Bank of Albania, starting with the Governor and then to the last official”, Brace declared.
On behalf of the Commission, he asked the Prosecution to engage more people in this investigation that according to him should be all inclusive.
“The investigation should be all inclusive, with more experts from the Prosecution. We need more people to investigate any link that has not worked, and to punish whoever is responsible for this crime”, Brace declared.
Will the Commission of Economy ask the resignation of the Governor or of the Supervisory Council?
“We are not at that phase yet. We are receiving information and analyzing the responsibilities”, Brace specified.
The Head of the Parliamentary Commission of Economy answered to critics about the silence of the Parliament, saying that their goal was taking care of not damaging an undergoing investigation.
Fullani: Administrative investigation for the theft
“We are working with the Prosecution to punish those responsible”
The Governor of the Bank of Albania, Ardian Fullani, a few hours after reporting in Parliament about the Bank of Albania theft, gave a press release about the issue.
Fullani declared that his institution has started an administrative investigation for finding those who are responsible, and they are cooperating with the investigative institutions.
“Referring to the Bank of Albania theft, the administrative investigation for identifying the personal responsibility is undergoing. We are cooperating with the investigative institutions, with the Prosecution and the Parliament to bring those who are responsible to trial”, Fullani declared.
During his declaration, the Governor left to be understood that the Bank of Albania doesn’t have an optimal security system to prevent these thefts, and added that the monetary inventory have been realized and the size of this theft has been verified.
Meta: We support the Prosecution for investigating this criminal activity
The Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta, reacted for the theft at the Bank of Albania, considering it as an unpleasant development.
“We are aware about the crime at the Bank of Albania, but we must not forget that it has been identified and reported at the Prosecution by the Bank of Albania itself”, Meta declared.
The Parliament Speaker added that the Prosecution will have full support for the investigation.
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