The chairman of the Democratic Party along with the chairwoman of the Socialist Movement for Integration, Monika Kryemadhi, are among the names of those prosecuted by the police due to the protest organized yesterday by the Alliance for the Protection of the Theater, after its demolition.
The police announced that they have prosecuted in a state of freedom, for the criminal offense “Organizing and participating in illegal gatherings and demonstrations” the following persons: Robert Budina, Neritan Licaj, Adriana Kalaja, Artan Manushaqe, Lulzim Basha, Monika Kryemadhi, Çlirim Gjata, Fatmir Mediu and rapper Arkimed Lusha.
“Criminal proceedings started as on May 18th, 2020, around 16:30, these persons protested illegally, without the permission of the competent bodies, disrupting public order and tranquility, especially in a state of emergency during a pandemic, where people gatherings are prohibited by law ”, the police stated.
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