“The worst things we did yo ourselves”

20/04/2013 21:00

The Kosovo academic, Rexhep Qosja, was honored by the Rreshen
Municipality as citizen of honor. During the promotion of his most
recent book, Albania and Kosovo, Qosja declared that this study argues
the worst things that the Albanian people has done to itself.

Qosja declared that he was inspired for this book by the January 21st events, which made the book to open with the chapter: “A Killer State”.

“British protesters entered the British Parliament, same as in other countries, but they weren’t killed by the police. In Albania were killed, and I am not sure if they will not be killed again”, Qosja declared.

Qosja spoke about the revolt and disappointment for what he calls “a violent power in Albania”, a violence that starts with its rhetoric.

“What countries in the world have politicians who speak with an offensive and threatening language? Why should it be like that here? It is time to change this political language”, Qosja declares.

Academic Rexhep Qosja greeted the unification of the Albanian opposition, and expressed his conviction that it will be victorious on June 23rd.

When asked about the interferences on the Albanian Standard Language, Qosja declared that it needs to be enriched, but the standard should not be changed and turn exclusions into rules, because that would be dangerous for the language.

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