The stream that terrorizes the village houses every winter in Gosa

17/02/2021 18:03

The local stream in one of the neighborhoods of Gosa e Vogël village, in Rrogozhina in central Albania, has become the only way for residents to cross to their home.

There are 10 families who have been crossing this stream for more than 40 years.

According to the residents, this situation lasts throughout the winter season. Most difficult the situation becomes on rainy days where the water level reaches over 1.5 meters, penetrating yards and even houses.

There have been many cases where the inhabitants with their cattle were left in the surrounding hills, without being able to cross the stream to go home due to high water levels in the stream.

None of these residents can enter the house in the winter without muddy shoes. This can only happen in the summer when the stream dries up.

Every year they spend it in the hope that their shoes will dry up not from the arrival of summer but from the rehabilitation of the area.

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