“The Serbs at the Ministry of Defense”

29/09/2012 00:00

The Serbian arms merchants are the favorites of the Ministry of Defense
in the sale of excessive weapons of the Albanian army, which reach 200
million USD.

This is the report made by the SP through MP Erion Brace, who referred to official documents to discover this strong and dominating partnership, as he called it.

“This is a special Commission for the categorization of the arms contingent, the technical part, the ammunition and explosives that are removed from circulation. They are led by two old figures that every Albanian knows, if they have followed closely their commitment in sensitive issues for Albania. Chairman, Rear Admiral Kristaq Gerveni, and vice Chairman, Brigadier General Xhemal Gjunkshi, posts held from 2010 to 2011, which I am referring to. The biggest part of the military asset, especially during 2010, 2011 and after, has been divided among three companies. The first is “Montenegro Defense Industry”, the second is “UNIMESCO” and the third is a state owned company, MEICO. The two first companies have the biggest share. The availability of the Ministry of Defense towards them has been very strong and this is documented”, Brace declared.

But what is the background of these companies that have received the green light by selling excessive materials of the Albanian army, which, according to MP Brace, are part of the national assets?

The “Montenegro Defense Industry” is the Montenegrin branch of the famous Serbian company “Ygoimport”. As results by the documents, Zoran Damjanovic is the person who represents both companies as commercial associations, but also in the relations with the Ministry of Defense and MEICO. A simple search results that MDI has had another company that performed serious operations in the Balkan arms market, which is TARA. At TARA you could find the most notorious names of arms traffic in the world, even the connections between the companies that were found after Gerdec. You have heard about UNIMESCO in the sporadic scandal of one month ago and that now, under the light of official documents resulted a clear conflict of interest of the highest Ministry of Defense officials, for favoring them with a series of agreements and for closing one eye for insufficient documents”, the Socialist MP declared.

According to Brace, this is the activity were the Serbs are elected as partners by the Ministry of Defense, which has shown to have many problems.

“Giving this asset to a strong and dominating relationship to Serbian merchants that are involved in the darkest lines of this market; the corruption in setting the prices of arms, ammunitions and different explosives for the above-mentioned companies, even in comparison with the Albanian state owned MEICO. At this point it’s safe to ask: did the Military Intelligence Service follow this case?”, Brace declared.

The task force established for

Task forcë, e ngritur për displinimin e therjes së bagëtive dhe tregtimin e mishit në të gjithë vendin është ndalur në shkatërrimin e disa ambienteve, ku ushtronin aktivitet subjekt te palicensuar dhe që nuk respektonin kushtet higjeno-sanitare.

Sipas drejtorit te Agjencise së Mbrojtjes se Konsumatorit Geron Ibrahimi, në Tiranë janë mbyllur 26 subjekte.

“Eshtë një nga fazat finale të aksionit të nisur tashmë nga task forca, pas daljes së aktit normativ të Kryeministrit. Pasi mbyllëm disa nga subjektet, të cilat nuk plotësonin kushtet higjieno-sanitare, por ishin subjekte të legalizuara, eliminimin e ambulantëve në rrugë, tashmë kemi ndërhyrë duke shfarosur njëherë e mirë këto pika therje të sajuara,jashtë çdo kriteri e norme për ta eliminuar si fenomen. Ne nuk çertifikojmë bagëtitë që theren në ambiente shtëpie apo ambulantët e rrugës, kështu që kjo është një fazë finale e gjithë këtij vrulli të marrë pas daljes së Aktit Normativ dhe ngritjes së task forcës”, tha Ibrahimi.

Nderkohe qe task forcë po vepron ne te gjithe vendin, ku numerohen 1250 subjekte qe ushtrojne aktivitetin e therjes se bagetive dhe tregtimin e mishit.

Drejtori i Autoritetet Kombëtar të Ushqimit, Genc Juka tha se deri me tani jane mbyllur 450 subjekte, qe nuk plotesojne kushtet.

“Zona problematike në Tiranë është rruga “Jordan Misja”, rruga e Ndroqit, rruga e Saukut, kurse më tej problematike është pjesa Fushë-Krujë-Lezhë dhe aksi që shkon nga Maminasi në Gjirin e Lalëzit. Problematike janë disa zona në Fier, ndërsa qarqe të stabilizuara janë Korça, Vlora”, thotë Juka.

Sipas Jukes permbushja e strandardeve për në Bashkimin Europian, si dhe nxitja e zhvillimti te turizimit kane kusht thelbesor, sigurinë ushqimore.
Defense Ministry reacts to Brace

The Defense Ministry reacted to the accusations launched by the Socialist MP, Erjon Brace, over abuses with Albania’s military assets. In a press release, the spokesperson for this department declared that the Socialist Party is trying to throw mud against the reforming processes of the government in the military sector.

“We are trying to dismantle the arms that we inherited by the criminal government of Mr. Brace. The cleaning of Albania from the communist residues will be complete, with or without his consent”, the Spokesperson declared.

They underlined that the SP efforts to stop the reforms in the Armed Forces will take the deserved answer.
“Publishing secret government documents is a penal act, a responsibility that this person has admitted”, the spokesperson declared.

“The Minister of Defense is determined to continue the reforms with the Armed Forces and every effort to throw mud on them is an anti-national effort”, she continued. 

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