The Senate rejects President Biden’s candidate for US ambassador to Albania

04/01/2024 16:09

The American Senate has not approved the candidacy of David Kostelancik as the ambassador of the United States of America to Albania.

President Biden appointed Kostalanic as US ambassador to Tirana in January 2023, but the Senate has asked the latter to approve a new candidate.

David Kostelancik is a long-serving diplomat at the State Department. He currently works as an adviser at the headquarters of the US Army at the Pentagon.

Kostelancik has served twice as ambassador to Russia and deputy ambassador to Hungary. In the SD he headed the office for Southern Europe as well as the office for Russia.

The choice of a diplomat expert in Russian affairs from the State Department as ambassador in Tirana is not accidental and comes at a time when Russia’s attempts to destabilize the Balkan region are present.

By bringing to the region an expert on Russian affairs, SD accomplishes what it could not do by sending to Albania the nominee for ambassador Kathleen Ann Kavalec, whose place was taken by Ambassador Yuri Kim.

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