The report for Albania, Pitella: “Opinion will be favorable”

01/03/2016 00:00

The EU Commissioner for Enlargement, Johannes Hahn, and PM Edi Rama,
will lead together the next high-level meeting that will be held in
Tirana on March 30th.

This was made known after the meeting with the EU Integration Minister, Klajda Gjosha, who focused on the justice reform.

“The justice reform was the key of all talks that I have had during my meetings today, not only with Commissioner Hahn. Certainly, we spoke about the format that will have the high-level delegation, because this is of special importance. Commissioner Hahn will lead this together with PM Edi Rama, and the messages coming out of this meeting are very important”, Gjosha declared.

After the recommendations at the Venice Commission, “the EU expects all-inclusive amends that reinforce professionalism and efficiency of the judiciary, by getting the right balance between independence and accountability”, said the Spokesperson for the European Commission, Maja Kocijancic.

According to her, the Commissioner reiterated that this reform might place Albania on the path for establishing the rule of law.

“We spoke about the resolution that the European Parliament approves in April. I thanked him because it seems a good report for Albania. Certainly, I want this report to be more encouraging for the integration process of Albania, because all citizens are waiting for a further step, that of opening the accession negotiations”, Gjosha added.

“We spoke about the process that will bring Albania to the EU after some years. A slow, but necessary process. The European Parliament will draft a resolution in April on the situation of this process, on the point we are with Albania and its improvement of justice. There are many factors that influence this, the steps that are being taken for reforming this system. The encouragement that we have given to Albania is that by curing the justice system, the judgment of the EU Parliament will be more favorable”, said the President of the S&D, Gianni Pittella.

The draft-resolution of the European Parliament on Albania is expected to pass on March 23rd by the Foreign Committee of the European Parliament, and then will pass to the plenary session in Strasbourg.

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