The Albanian Foreign Minister, Ditmir Bushati, declared in an interview
for Top Channel that the Balkan Conference in Berlin is an important and
specific moment for the integrating processes, in a time when the EU
accession perspective will be a long and difficult process due to
historic and political circumstances, and due to the structural aspects
and how societies in Balkan work.
Bushati illustrated this with the platform of the new European Union President, Jean Claude Junker, which has no enlargement plans for the next five years.
“This meeting will bring together not only the Prime Ministers of the region together with their Foreign and Economy Ministers, but also high-rank representatives from the EU and from international institutions, with the goal to identify the political, economic and institutional paths that will bring the region closer to the EU. It will also channel all energies to secure the continuity of democratic transformation, good governing, a better regional cooperation and a closer approach of the entire region to the European Union”, declared the Foreign Minister, Ditmir Bushati.
For Bushati, the Conference will help the unfolding of ideas for a better structuring of the Balkan countries.
“Balkan is not a region today, although we like calling it like that. We are all aware that it is easier to go to Vienna, Munich or Rome than to Sarajeva, Belgrade, Skopje, Zagreb or Istanbul. All the energies of Germany, the regional countries and the main actors are given for restructuring even more the approach of Balkans with the EU, transforming it into a region with the complete sense of the word”, Bushati declared.
Bushati sees the fact that Merkel will be with Rama at the conference as a responsibility, and gives three reasons for this choice by Merkel.
“Albania is the country that holds the Presidency of the Southeastern Europe Initiative, and Rama is the leader of it, as consequence. Albania received the candidate status this year, and during the entire period of the crisis in Ukraine, Albania has stood to the European values by unifying its stances with the European stance. It is logical that there will be a division of tasks and a loyal definition of the role of each one in this process”, Bushati said.
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