“The millions from the chrome affairs”

09/02/2013 00:00

For the Socialist MP, Erjon Brace, the Balfin Company has not bought
only the right to produce chrome in our country, but they have also
secured breathtaking profits.

According to Brace, Balfin will profit millions by an article which provides them the right to inherit the concession with everything they owe to the state and vice-versa.

“The company’s owes 1.6 million EUR to the Albanian state, while the untold number of non-reimbursed VAT that the Albanian government owes them reaches 9 million EUR. The Ministry says that the mineral reserve in Bulqize reaches 1.7 million tons. If you invest 300 USD per ton, it mounts up to 531 million USD in total. Do you understand what a fortune we are talking about? With less than 9.5 million USD you can buy a 531 million USD profit”, Brace declared.

The Socialist MP added that the chrome concession in Albania was made only to take millions of EUR from one company to another.

“Balfin Group     has not bought Darfo, but a branch of Darfo, which is ‘Darfo Albania’ or ‘ACR Holding’ and ‘Albania Chrome’. Despite going from one hand to another, their only common thing was the intention to rob the national asset of chrome and fail to respect the concessionary agreement and realize investments. During these years, the investment at the Bulqize mine is only 7 million EUR, from 20.8 that it should have been after more than 300 million USD as profits”, Brace declared.

For the opposition MP, the state had all the legal instruments to stop the theft.

Brace says that after coming to power, the Socialists will break this agreement and will find a strategic partner for the country.

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