The Director of the Tirana University Hospital Cente, Ogerta
Manastirliu, guarantees that the Infective Diseases Clinic will have the
anti-malaria medicament very soon, which are lacking in the TUHC,
although there have been cases of malaria.
“We have been informed about the situation and the lack of medicaments. There are basic medicaments for treating these cases, but the specific ones are missing. These medicaments are not registered at the National Center of Medicament Registration and there aren’t any in Albania. However, we are taking measures for bringing them in the TUHC, so that we can offer maximal care to the patients”, the director declared.
Manastirliu underlined that there is no room for panic, since the patients have arrived from abroad and that the one who lost his life arrived very late in hospital.
“There have been 50 cases in the TUHC, and most of them are imported by seasonal workers. The recent case was that of two young workers coming from Guinea”, Manastirliu declared.
The cases have come from Vlore and Kukes, while 190 people have been advised about Malaria, who have visited countries that might be infected.
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