The loss of the municipality of Shkodra by DP, Berisha: Whoever thinks that I will retire is wrong

16/05/2023 15:58

The former opposition prime minister Sali Berisha does not seem to recognize the election result in Shkodra, where for the first time since 1992 the municipality of the right-wing northern bastion is won by SP socialists.

Asked by journalists if he will resign after the deep result in favor of the SP, Berisha said that he does not back down before “state crime gangs”. “Shkodra voted under true occupation.

All the polls of our opponents, as well as ours, put Bardh Spahina 14 to 16 points ahead.

“If you or anyone else thinks that Sali Berisha retreats before the crime, he sees his ear without a mirror.

I never back down before state and non-state crime gangs. “Shkodra is the ugliest example, in which Edi Rama’s gang forced the citizens to vote as if under curfew. Colossal amounts of money were used in Shkodra, tens of millions of euros, and I am convinced that the citizens of Shkodra will not accept the power of crime. This is my answer for you,” said Berisha among other things.

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