The image of the 2500 year old girl from Athens displayed in Tirana

14/09/2018 17:06

The rebuilt image of Myrits, a girl that was born 2500 years ago in Athens and that died by typhus, comes from Greek museums to be displayed at for several days Tirana’s Center for Openness and Dialogue.

The Greek Minister to Tirana, Eleni Sourani, said that Myrtis brings a lot of messages from the past that are still very current: “Myrtis reminds us the history of peace and the need to treat illnesses, especially the ones that affect children”, she said.

The story of this girl is shown through many archeological artifacts, which turned her into a friend of the UN. She is now “brought back” to help raise awareness about diseases that affect children.

Prof.Manolis Papagrigorakis, curator of the exhibition, said that they had a very large group of experts working very hard for 30 years in order to mace an accurate recreation of her image.

The exhibition will be open until October 6th.

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