The financial conflict between the Airport concessionary and the Albanian government

11/04/2019 17:51

The concessionary agreement between the government and the Chinese company that manages the Albanian Airport states that either of the parties is allowed to demand compensation if the other earns more than the agreed scenario.

For this reason, the government hired BDO, an independent financial company, to see whether TIA had earned more than agreed in 2004. The report showed that the concessionary has earned 84 million Euros more than foreseen by the initial scenario.

After this finding, the government started negotiating for economic compensation by TIA, claiming that the concessionary must compensate the excessive earning by reducing the ticket price or by transferring the difference to the budget, but there has been no agreement so far.

The recent robbery within the airport premises made the conflict even deeper. The Minister of Infrastructure said that the government will no longer negotiate with the local managers of TIA, but will contact with the owners, an offshore company from Singapore registered as Real Fortress Private Limited.

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