The battle for the new economic level

02/11/2011 00:00

The government approved the macro-economic and financial framework and
the draft budget for 2012-2014, which, according to the Prime Minister
Sali Berisha, sets the financial bases for the third government mandate.

The Prime Minister didn’t give many details for these documents, but it iscertain that their foundation is the flat tax, which in the draft-program of the Socialist Party, announced by Edi Rama, will be replaced by the progressive tax. For the Prime Minister, this project is unacceptable and damaging for the country’s economy.

According to him, the success of the flat tax, followed by the policy for inciting economic freedom for domestic and foreign investments is what has saved the Albanian economy from the serious crisis that Europe is facing today.

The flat tax of 10%, according to Prime Minister Berisha, is one of the main factors that made the exports for these nine months reach 320 million USD more than the last year, which is considered as the best year for the exports.

The Prime Minister also added that this tax and the favoring climate for businesses has given Albania the biggest amount of foreign investments in the region and the constant infrastructure construction, which the Prime Minister considers as the artery that circulates the entire market energy.

“This factor is one of the biggest reasons why the economy of a small country, the currency of a small country, is having its credibility doubled, same as the credibility of Albania as a country. Above all, the investments are trust banks. Those who deposit and decide to set their projects in Albania, show a big trust at this country”, Berisha declared.

The PM considered the theory of returning the progressive tax as Marxist, because it damages the rich people, who are the power engine of a country. The Prime Minister didn’t oppose Rama only for the progressive tax, but also for some other points of his program.

“Those who think that they will make this country progress by ruining and fighting the rich people, by blocking the privatization, concessions and the public-private partnership, are only unfolding the alternative of their fathers, which will never return in this country. The Marxist fiscal system has never had and will never have a future”, Berisha declared.

The PM ensured the Albanian and foreign businessmen that the progressive tax that is being proposed by Mr. Rama not only will not return, but the government will continue undertaking the necessary reforms for facing the European debt crisis, by guaranteeing the consolidation of businesses, as the best way for the prosperity of a country.

“They can keep following Marx if they want, but I guarantee you that they will remain only inside their headquarters, because Marx will not be able to wander around the Albanian roads. The Albanians have tried Marxism in the worst possible way. They are bringing the progressive tax when they have made the Municipality fail by increasing taxes, and handing it over as a failed institution. Tell me what can the Marxist policies bring to Albania except collapse”, Berisha declared.

Rama reacts on Twitter

The Socialist leader reacted on Twitter by insinuating that the SP will implement a program similar to that of the most developed countries in the world.

Rama says that the Socialist Party will follow the policy of the Marxists Merkel, Obama and Cameron, and even the Marxist Berlusconi. According to him, the Albanian PM will keep staying with “the guys of his neighborhood block”.

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