The Assembly overturns President Meta’s decree on the Electoral Code

29/10/2020 15:05

The new Electoral Code will automatically enter into force without the changes required by President Ilir Meta and the extra-parliamentary opposition.

With the rejection of the decree by the parliament, the formula of coalitions where the parties must group the candidates in a single list, remains in force.

Meanwhile, MP Ralf Gjoni said that he voted in favor of the president’s decree: “I voted in favor of Meta’s decree but not for the reasons the p[resident puts forward. What about the fact that you shamelessly implemented it openly? I am glad that Meta through the decree recognizes the July changes that the Code is contrary to the Constitution. I can also not leave without mentioning some points where there seems to be a tacit agreement between Rama and Meta”.


Meanwhile, President Ilir Meta has said that with the new Electoral Code, the country is moving towards elections where the rules favor only the ruling party.

In his reasoning, President Meta says that: “Unilateral amendments to the Electoral Code of October 5, 2020, violate the principle of due process, as well as the right to vote and to be elected, and above all the principle of vote equality”.

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