The 8 Prosecutors who will be investigating high-level officials with new institution, SPAC

25/11/2019 15:09

Eight new Prosecutors were approved today, who will be part of SPAC, the Special Prosecution Against Corruption.

The High Council of the Prosecution has announced the race for the Chairman of this entity that will be investigating politicians.

The first eight Prosecutors are Altin Dumani, Arben Kraja, Behar Dibra, Edvin Kondilli, Elida Celami, Ened Nakuci, Enkeleda Millonai and Klodian Braho.

The Prosecutors will have a 9-year long mandate without the right to be reappointed.

Prokurori Behar Dibra e ka filluar karrierën në vitin 1997. Që nga viti 2004 ai shërben si prokuror në Prokurorinë pranë Gjykatës për Krime të Rënda.

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