Thaci’s first visit to Albania as President of Kosovo

03/10/2016 00:00

Hashim Thaci attended his first visit as President of Kosovo to Albania.

He met with his counterpart at the President’s Office, where he thanked Albania for supporting Kosovo in the international arena and said that the focus should be on deepening the economic cooperation.

President Nishani encouraged continuing the dialogue with Serbia, relations with which keep being tense, especially after the arresting of the Mitrovica Police Director, Nehat Thaci.

“We cannot answer to arrests with arrests, to violence with violence. The KLA members conducted a liberating and fair war. It is regretable that Belgrade holds a paranoid reaction towards KLA fighters, with files deriving from Miloshevic’s time. We are working for the local authorities to find a solution so that we don’t see such problems being repeated”, Hashim Thaci said.

The agenda of President Thaci continued with the meeting of Prime Minister Rama, Parliament Speaker Ilir Meta and opposition leader Lulzim Basha.

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