Thaci-Vucic meeting fails. Mogherini meets both of them separately

07/09/2018 17:26

The much discussed Thaci-Vucic meeting in Brussels has turned into a failure, after the Serbian President refused to face the Kosovo counterpart.

The reason, according to Belgrade’s Director of the Kosovo Office, Marko Gjuric, were the “lies and threats from Albanians”.

Now it remains to be seen if the talks will be held in another time and if Prishtina will stop the Serbian President to realize his planned visit in Kosovo.

Gjuric’s message was specifically: “We don’t have the minimal desire to speak to the representatives of Prishtina. We don’t even want to look at them after what they have done”.

The Serbian official said it was unacceptable that Thaci adds to these talks some requests for Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoc, when the dialogue is about Kosovo only.

Both presidents had separate meetings with the EU Representative for Foreign Policy, Federica Mogherini. Thaci said that he was dedicated to reach a definite agreement with Serbia, which guarantees mutual recognition and accession in the EU, NATO and UN.

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