Thaci: If EU keeps isolating Kosovo, we must unite with Albania

31/05/2019 18:37

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, clearly stated thati f the EU keeps isolating his country, they will see every institutional possibility and referendum to unite Kosovo with Albania.

“The idea for correcting the historic injustices for uniting Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoc in the territory of Kosovo has never made more sense than now”, Thaci said.

“I hope that this can happen at the Berlin meeting. No idea was closed there, no new alternative was introduced by the internationals. On the other hand, after the delays and discrimination that the EU is doing to Kosovo, I think that it is now time to take concrete institutional steps for realizing a formula of national unity, through a referendum in Kosovo and Albania, and of course, including Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoc”, Thaci said.

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