Thaci for Top Channel: No idea was either buried or introduced in Berlin

08/05/2019 22:18

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, arrived in Tirana for the Summit of Regional Presidents that will be held tomorrow, focusing on the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue. Thaci was interviewed by Top Channel’s journalist Muhamed Veliu.

What do you expect from this summit in Tirana?

As usual, it is a meeting initiated by Western Balkan countries, such as Slovenia and Croatia. It is great that this meeting will be held in Tirana. Every country will be able to present its achievements, the neighboring relations and the promise for a European future. There will also be a joint declaration of all attending countries.

Is it right that the idea of correcting borders between Kosovo and Serbia was buried in this Summit?

There was no burying or revival, or presentation of any idea. The Berlin meeting was a routine one, a hearing of the declarations coming from Western Balkan leaders. In the second part we had some discussions about the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue and the possibility of reaching an agreement. We also discussed the stance of Western Balkans in support of this process. I underline once again that no idea was buried, no new idea was introduced. The Berlin process didn’t bring any result, didn’t realize what it was planned. However, I appreciated the good will of Chancellor Mekel and the promise to have more achievements with the Paris meeting.

There have been strong debates in Tirana and Prishtina as well. The idea of correcting the borders enjoys the support of the USA, or is it only John Bolton who supports it?

I proposed the idea of including Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoc in the territory of Kosovo, without changing a single centimeter of the rest of Kosovo. This is a historic right and I will insist for it even tomorrow, because we may not have any Albanian in that area after 10 or 20 years. The stance of the USA is very clear: there are no red lines. The message of the USA is summarized in the two letters sent by President Trump to me and to Vucic. That is the clear stance of the USA regarding the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, and there are no red lines.

If borders will be corrected one day, will this make way for Albania’s unification with Kosovo? This is a fear that exists among European chancelleries.

Even today I discussed with Prime Minister Rama about the relations between Albania and Kosovo, and we both agreed that a further opening of the borders will only help the situation of Albanians, so that they can live in a borderless Western Balkan region, under the European umbrella. That’s why it is my commitment that Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoc should join Kosovo. No one should be afraid of Kosovo and Albania living without borders between them.

Your counterpart, Alexandar Vucic, made a strong declaration. He says that he would never recognize Kosovo even if he gets killed. What’s your opinion?

This is a populist declaration, for internal consumption. Vucic knows that the recognition of Kosovo is a condition for the European future. By allowing Presheva, Mevvegja and Bujanovc join Kosovo, Serbia would be closer to joining the EU.

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