From 385 local units that there are in total in our country, 225 of them
had their leaders reply when asked for a proposition on the territorial
reform. 94 local government leader agree with the commission’s
preliminary decision to have 39 to 47 municipalities.
131 mayors and heads of communes were against this variant and favor the other one with more local units, from 57 to 63.
The local councils and heads of communes were not as interested. Only 108 of them have replied, and 48 of them are in favor of the Commission’s variant, 60 are against and have asked more than 39 local units.
The head of the commission declared that the heads of communes from the Democratic Party have been ordered to give a negative answer even after they had previously responded positively.
The Party of Justice, Integrity and Unity from the opposition has shown other signs of cooperation with the majority for the territorial reform, by presenting their requests through their Spokesperson. Bashkim Fino, the chairman of the Commission, appealed the opposition once again to approve it together with the majority.
“We are interested not only about the PJIU, but also about the DP. We have been open, because this reform will be valid for 20 or 30 years, and it is not the reform of one single party”, Fino declared.
The PJIU will take a decision to be more present in the approval of the reform, despite the decisions of the commission. The requests of the PJIU are some changes in Southern Albania. The PJIU is against the way how they were foreseen in the preliminary variant, but they are not against creating minority units.
The requests of the PJIU will be processed by the end of the next week. The variant will go for approval to the government and the territorial draft law will be returned to parliament for a final approval. The majority has been open for suggestion, but what remains unchanged is the deadline for approving the reform.
“We will discuss the draft-law in question by July 31st”, Fino declared.
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