The competitive race in Diber between Shukri Xhelili of the ASHE and
Ilir Krosi of the APPD, has made both candidates see themselves in
advantage and disadvantage during the entire vote count. This
razor-sharp difference has increased tension in this municipality, which
forced the police to remove everyone without an ID.
Top Channel’s journalist, Sali Juniku, said that the Head of the Zonal Commission has interrupted the ballot count until the situation is calmed. The APPD candidate has overthrown the disadvantage of 31 votes, and is now in advantage with 27 votes.
The Socialists blame Democrats for tensioning the situation, trying to make some votes invalid without a reason. Democrats, on the other hand, say the situation got tense outside the ballot counting group, when one of the observers tried to take one ballot and create chaos.
Top Channel