One of the promises made by Prime Minister Edi Rama in June 2013, a few days before elections, was applying electronic tablets for teaching in secondary and high schools.
The Ministry spent 700 million ALL (almost 7 million USD) in 2014 to equip all schools with tablets, but the ministry doesn’t say in how many schools were they applied.
Top Channel visited the Sami Frasheri school in Tirana where there were 120 tablet PC-s. The e-learning program is integrated on those tablets, but not everyone learns with them.
Teacher ANila Hodo says that tablets cannot be used every time. They also have a digital book installed on the classroom laptop, which serves to orient students.
Older teachers have a harder time using this new technology, and teaching with tablets is used for just two hours a week.
According to documents, the purpose of the Ministry of Education in 2017 was to distribute 12,000 tablets for 10,000 students. But in practice, Minister Nikolla said that the government has used 3.5 million USD to buy tablets, but since then no one knows where the other 3.5 million USD fund went.
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